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Born in Bari in 1990 he discovers music studying classical guitar during his childhood. Around 13 years old he moves from guitar to electric bass showing immediately a huge interest for jazz , fusion and contemporary music. From 2005 he attends the music school il Pentagramma in Bari, widely considered one of the top music schools in Italy according to the magazine JAZZIT. 


After a few years he decides to have double-bass lessons, inspired by the jazz records from the mainstream tradition and by legendary bass players as Charlie Haden, Scott Lafaro, Leroy Vinnegar and Ray Brown.

While constantly developing his skills on the instrument he shows interest in composing, building a strong music-theory, harmony, and arrangement knowledge.He attends courses and lessons under the guidance of teachers as Guido Di Leone, Nico Marziliano and Davide Santorsola. In 2009 he moves to Rome, where he gets in contact with the highest level performers of the Italian jazz scene. He performs in many jazz ensembles as trios, duos and quintets, and he makes his first studio-recording experiences.

In 2014 he produces and releases the album POST IT as a co-leader featuring Daniele Raimondi on trumpet and Max Ionata on tenor saxophone. He grows as a performer and composer as well, and he starts writing music for large jazz ensambles He gets in contact with musicians around the European jazz scene, he attends masterclasses with Barry Harris, and he keeps himself updated joining workshops by Juilliard teachers and instructors as Rodney Jones, James Burton III, and Carl Allen. He also performs with some of the Juilliard Artist Diploma students during Torino Jazz Festival, as  Addison Frei, David Neves, David Meder, and Sam Dillon.


He attends classes and starts collaborations with some of the greatest artists of the worldwide jazz scene, including Dave Kikoski, Gilad Hekselman, Dado Moroni, Giovanni Ceccarelli, Anne Ducros, Rosario Giuliani, Nicola Muresu, Antonio Ciacca, Steve Kirby, Jerry Bergonzi, Jim Rotondi, Marco Tamburini, Huw Warren, Giovanni Mazzarino, Maria Pia De Vito, Fabrizio Bosso, Pietro Lussu, Gregory Hutchinson, Steve Grossman, Emanuele Cisi, Andy Watson, Dario Deidda and many others. He takes part as a guest in Jazz Festivals as Fabriano Jazz, Piazza Jazz, Messina Sea Jazz and Siena Jazz, where he attends intensive instrument lessons with the teachers Furio Di Castri, Paolino Dalla Porta, Ben Street, Matt Pennman.


In 2020 he graduates at the electric bass Bachelor Program in Conservatorio E.R. Duni in Matera, under the guidance of the teachers Pierluigi Balducci, Mario Rosini, Giuseppe Lillo, Vito Di Modugno and Luigi Giannatempo, after writing a research thesis about the relationship between the Modern Jazz Scene and the late IXX Century Classical Composers, supoervised by the professor and conductor Fabrizio Festa. 


He spends the second year of his Bachelor at HKU Conservatorium in Utrecht, and he attends lessons with the teachers Bart Soeters, Tobijas Nijboer, Joel Groenenwold, Theo De Jong, Servaas Shreuters, Frank De Munnich, Bart De Win e Ge Bijvoet. He takes part to several Jazz Festivals as a sideman, as Itajazzclub, Monfrajazz Festival in Casale Monferrato and Northern Sea Round Town in Rotterdam. 


In October 2022 he gets Master Program Degree at Siena Jazz University, after attending lessons for 2 years with teachers from the ultimate International jazz Background as Damian Cabaud, Joe Sanders, Francesco Bigoni, Nico Gori, Greg Burk, Matteo Sabattini, Giovanni Falzone, Ralph Alessi, Joseph Bowie, Giulio Visibelli, Seamus Blake, Jessie Davis, Barend Middelhoff and Logan Richardson.

He releases his first album as a leader, titled "End of May"produced by Workin' Label, in which he explores the affinities between the jazz avant-garde and the classical tradition. He's been working on original arrangements for his own sextet, that features Luca Di Battista, Edoardo Liberati, Esmeralda Sella, Antonio Saldi, and Jacopo Fagioli, featuring a string quartet with Ida Di Vita, Jamiang Santi, Riccardo Savinelli and Gianlica Pirisi. He takes part in the recording of the album"Héritage Normand" by alto saxophonist Attilio Sepe and his sextet, released by Wow Records featuring Maurizio Gianmarco, Riccardo Marchese, Edoardo Liberati and Guglielmo Santimone. 


He’s a performer, composer, arranger, educator, and he’s part of a lot of international projects and collaborations.

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